Favorable Prices for Luggage, Bags & Cases on the B2B Platform – Globy

Hand luggage and suitcases are not losing their popularity, as people are increasingly traveling or going abroad to solve their business problems. Of course, the baggage should be comfortable, durable, safe, and clearly visible so that it can be easily found at the airport after checking. Such pieces are chosen in specialty stores or ordered online.

This product segment is relevant, so it is profitable to trade bags retail. To run such a business, you need to decide on a place to purchase goods. Everything is very simple here: there are B2B platforms where you can easily pick up the necessary batch and negotiate an acceptable price. In this article, we will discuss this process in detail.

If you decide to buy suitcases in bulk, then it is best for you to go to the Globy official website, where there is an excellent selection of various bags and backpacks. On the platform, you can also sort things by business type and by supplier country. For instance, handbags have the best prices from Indian and Chinese sellers.

Luggage Selection on Globy

If you decide to pick up things on Globy, then you should pay attention to several aspects. First of all, you need to check the supplier. After viewing the products in the catalog, you can go to the official website of the seller and study the information about your new partner. If everything suits you, you can contact them directly, which is not prohibited by the rules of the marketplace.

Buyers should pay attention to the materials from which the suitcase is made. It can be cotton, plastic, or wood. Fasteners are made of light metal. The main thing is that fabrics and paints do not contain allergens that can harm people and animals. By the way, in the catalog, you can find special bags for carrying pets. They should be well-ventilated, soft, and have strong handles.

The capacity of luggage is of great importance, so you can focus on the internal volume. You should check the dimensions of the products, as the bags may appear larger or smaller in the photo. All questions can be discussed with the supplier using the contacts posted on Globy.

Advantages of Globy

This is a modern marketplace that is well-suited for a start. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, you can get a free promotion at first. The cards of your products, including bags, backpacks, and suitcases, will be advertised on social media and in search engines. You can also choose a product at a suitable price for resale.

Currently, the Asian segment, where large volumes of textile products are produced, as well as factories of well-known brands are located, is attractive. More than 40 thousand users have already been registered on Globy, and this number is increasing every day. The main advantages of the Globy marketplace will be listed below.

  • Easy and fast registration for companies.
  • Free promotion for new users.
  • A wide selection of luggage and bags for pets.
  • Reasonable prices and the possibility of shipping by sea.
  • No commissions when making deals.

Description of B2B Marketplaces 

On such a marketplace, anyone can register on the site as a supplier or buyer. To do this, you need to represent one of the companies. The essence of B2B marketplaces is that business representatives meet in such places and discuss future deals. In other words, only legal entities can register and make transactions in B2B format.

It is not necessary to be the manufacturer of the product. You can buy it and sell it at a different price. It is not prohibited. In some cases, it is better to buy luggage in neighboring countries so as not to spend money on transportation and be sure of the brands’ originality, if this is important. Nowadays, many buyers pay primary attention to the durability and practicality of the product and not to the fashion brand. That’s why it’s important to choose your product carefully and painstakingly. During the acceptance of the product, you need to check it for impact resistance. You can cancel the shipment at any time, if it is stipulated in the agreement. It is recommended to try to work with several marketplaces at once to have more opportunities to find customers.

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