Home News Villarreal-Napoli: comunicazione per i tifosi azzurri che seguiranno la trasferta del “Madrigal”

Villarreal-Napoli: comunicazione per i tifosi azzurri che seguiranno la trasferta del “Madrigal”

La SSC Napoli invita i tifosi azzurri che seguiranno la trasferta in Spagna, in occasione di Villarreal-Napoli di giovedì 18 febbraio, di rispettare le norme Uefa ed il Regolamento d’uso dello stadio Madrigal.

In particolare si fa divieto di introdurre nell’impianto materiale infiammabile, di esplodere petardi e fuochi pirotecnici, così come è vietato portare bevande alcoliche.

Allo stesso modo sono proibite bandiere o striscioni inneggianti alla violenza e alla discriminazione razziale.

La SSC Napoli esorta, altresì, i sostenitori azzurri a dare il loro contributo per mantenere un clima sereno, così, da poter vivere una serata di calcio  all’insegna di una pacifica passione sportiva.

Regolamento d’uso dell Stadio Madrigal

Stadium regulations
RD 203/2010 Regulations to prevent violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sport.
Sports arena with video surveillance for the safety of the attendees and
participants in the match.
Reasons that prevent the access or the stay in the sports arena:
1. To take part in riots, fights or public disorder.
2. Entering the arena carrying or using any kind of weapon or object that could produce the  same effects.
3. Objects e xceeding the weight of 500 g susceptible to be used as projectiles.
4. Entering the arena carrying or being in possession of sparklers, firecrackers, explosives or any  flammable products.
5. Entering the arena carrying or selling any kind of alcoholic beverage,  narcotic, psychotropic,  or stimulant.
6. Entering the arena carrying or displaying banners, flags, symbols or other signs that incite  violence or terrorism.
7. To perform songs, expressions, sounds or attitudes that incite violence or terrorism.
8. To break into th e field.
9. Having been sanctioned with the prohibition to access any sports arena, as long as the  sanction remains in force.
10. The introduction of any device or mechanism used to detect, record, reproduce, transmit  and broadcast images, sounds, data and/or statistics related to the math, except for spectators’ personal and private use.

List of allowed items
– Medications
– No professional cameras, film and video cameras with batteries
– Crutches and canes

List of prohibited items
– Suitcases and bags
– Beverage containers of all kinds (glass, metal, ceramic…)
– Pyrotechnical items of any kinds
– Alcoholic beverage and drugs
– Bass drums and megaphones
– Flags and banners greater than 2 meters size
.- Bigger flags and banners should  be  accompanied by a non burnable certificate.
– Flagpoles

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